11 ways to make art & be hot today

romance the fuck out of yourself

  1. strip your bed, vacuum your mattress, put fresh sheets on and spitz the pillows with lavender oil. run yourself a bubble bath and stay in until your fingers prune. coat your entire body in oil. do the long skincare routine. turn your alarm off and dream of yourself.

  2. write poetry at a cafe. wear sunglasses and a hat and gaze pensively as you take sips.

  3. make a self-portrait and hang it in the entrance of your home

  4. give yourself an elaborate pedicure complete with nail art illustrations and/or rhinestones

  5. put on an excellent outfit and visit your local art gallery

  6. wear your favourite lipstick to write letters to your favourite people. seal each one with a kiss.

  7. decide how you want to feel each day and write affirmations to remind yourself on your bathroom mirror

  8. turn your fridge into a moodboard with magnets and magazine clippings

  9. put rose petals in your ice cube tray for your iced vanilla (& rose-infused) oat milk lattes

  10. write your to-do lists with a fountain pen

  11. roll yourself a fat j and go for a walk listening to Kid Cudi’s new album and feel the sun on your face and ground beneath your feet and remember that you are a miracle and you’re so lucky to be alive and you don’t even need to do anything because you’re a work of art already


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